Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Moscow Mitch is in complete and abject denial of the finding of the Special Council. My guess is that it serves his corruption with Russian oligarchs.

Some people point to the findings of the Special Council as proof of an illegitimate election of Trump. Trump’s public invitation of corruption by Russia is conclusive proof of Trump’s illegitimacy. 

No one can deny what Former Director Mueller found in the corruption of the 2016 election. Evidence exists. Absolute evidence exists.

Robert Mueller is not capable of corruption. He stated clearly even his investigation’s findings found reasons for impeachment and removal from office. Unequivocally.

The corruption by Trump and McConnell introduced to the USA serves their own purposes; political and personal. The corruption they have introduced to the USA deceives Americans. The US House proved their case. No one doubts that, yet curiously the partisan Republicans continues to hold the hand of a very corrupt president that has also proven his dangerous incompetency for the office.