Thursday, October 03, 2019

Continued from previous Whistleblower complaint page 5 bottom.

Footnote 5 still yet another Ukrainian to get to know. But, I found this interesting about the new president and his agenda.

Volodymyr #Zelenskiy's adviser, (click here) Dmytro Razumkov, named the first bills his team will submit to the Verkhovna Rada: -law on democracy; -extension of the rules of direct democracy; -removal of MP and presidential immunity; -withdrawal of MPs; -immunity of judges; -impeachment law.
26 April 2019

26 April 2019
By Aisha Kehoe Down

Days after comedian-turned politician Volodymyr Zelenskiy (click here) won Ukraine’s nationwide elections, both he and political opponents doubled down on an issue long at the top of the country’s political agenda: reining in the corrupt and powerful.

For Zelenskiy, that meant ending the country’s constitutional immunity for its president and members of parliament--a campaign promise that his advisor, Dmytro Razumkov, affirmed would be one of the first bills his team would introduce.

The USA immunity of Trump currently is because of a RULE, not even a constitutional issue.

Lifting parliamentary immunity could see several sitting MPs thrown in jail. These include Igor Mosiychuk of the Radical Party, under investigation for illegal enrichment, and Boryslav Rozenblat and Maksym Poliakov, suspected for their involvement in illegal amber mining.

For his opponents, that meant reining in Zelenskiy....

Two days before the vote that brought Zelenskiy--a political newcomer who played Ukraine’s president on the comedy show “Servant of the People,” opposition lawmakers from the Samopomich party proposed diluting some of the president’s powers. ...

The new name in footnote 5 is this man:

September 30, 2019

A former member of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president Serhiy Leshchenko.

A former member (click here) of the Ukrainian parliament and adviser to Ukraine's president told CBS News it was a "well-known fact" there that Donald Trump wanted "compromising" information on former Vice President Joe Biden. Serhiy Leshchenko added that Ukraine's president knew that U.S. aid to his country was at stake.
"I am sure that issue of Biden was forever on the table between Zelensky and Trump," said Leshchenko. As a former lawmaker and adviser to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, Leschenko believes it was clear that President Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate his Democratic rivals....

Serhiy Leshchenko is a former investigative journalist and a critic of Mr. Lutsenko, the former Prosecutor General for POLITICIZING criminal probes, like the one of the Bidens, and protecting corrupt Ukraine officials. This is the peril of hanging all your hopes on foreign help, the politics and understanding of government can be different. Ukraine is a new democracy. The paradigm of good and bad is still shifting. The people Guiliani had banked all his interests in defaming Joe and Hunter Biden are the old regime and not the new government. There is nothing there except old world Russian corruption.

There was a court decision in December of 2018 in favor of a man named Boryslav Roszenblat, a former Parliament member, stating the Director of the anti-corruption unit, Mr. Syntyk and Mr. Leshchenko had interfered in the 2016 elections by publishing the "black ledger." This is a really good example of how the dynamics of a new government can be exploited.

Below, in the picture is Boryslav Rozenblat. It would appear after the publishing of the "black ledger" the FBI paid a visit to Ukraine.

Currently, Mr. Rozenblat and another player in this Maksym Poliakov are on the lam. They are fugitives from Ukraine because of the corruption of Viktor Yanukovych, his political party and the payments to Paul Manafort. They are probably in Russia with Viktor.

20 June 2019

Boryslav Rozenblat

What is more, (click here) Ukrainian NABU agents for the first time worked under cover, Sytnyk said at a briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday, June 20.

He declined to elaborate on the degree of FBI agents' involvement in this operation and to give more details about the Ukrainian agents' activity.

At the same time, Sytnyk disclosed that the agents had been engaged in the monitoring of the activity of the non-resident company Fujairah, which was founded in the United States and registered to the name of Rozenblat's sister for handling operations with amber....

July 19, 2019
By Oleg Sukhov

The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeals (click here) has canceled a court ruling that found that independent lawmaker Sergii Leshchenko and Artem Sytnyk, head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, unlawfully interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The appeals court made its ruling on July 16 and published the document the next day....

An interesting article about Trolls in Ukrainian elections. Do other countries believe they are exempt from this? This is Russia, they won't stop and they will seek to undermine every democracy on Earth.

...But according to a recent investigation by VoxUkraine, (click here) Zelensky’s Facebook page had the most active fake users of any Ukrainian politician — 27,926 inauthentic accounts. They posted almost a quarter of all comments during the period analyzed. Similar ratios were seen for other top politicians.

Interference in U.S. and European elections by Russian internet trolls has become a hot topic in recent years, particularly since the discovery of the Internet Research Agency, a well-resourced “troll farm” in St. Petersburg. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that domestic troll farms — hired by local politicians and campaign managers, not foreigners — could be just as influential.

To understand how these powerful mechanisms function, OCCRP member center Slidstvo.Info sent a journalist undercover to work at a Ukrainian troll farm in advance of this summer’s parliamentary elections.

During a month and a half on the job, the Slidstvo.Info reporter discovered that these social media techniques were used even on behalf of progressive politicians who publicly spoke out against such tactics. For example, the troll farm supported Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, a popular musician whose reformist Holos party now holds 20 seats in parliament....

Footnote 6

The list being referred to is the list of "Do not prosecute." There was no such list that existed and the fact is the US Ambassador asked for a list.

Footnote 7

There were no investigations taking place in regard to the Bidens or Burisma.

Footnote 8

This refers the reader back to The Hill.

This is the second time Ukraine's news outlet "The Babel" is mentioned in the footnotes. This is an article in Politico about the news media. According to the footnotes there is information at The Babel which contains important information validating statements made in the complaint.

July 2, 2015
By Timothy Snyder

...The other day I took part in a Ukrainian talk show (click here) called “Freedom of Speech.” The format is an unusual one: Six local experts with credentials in the social sciences or in journalism sit three to a table, four special guests sit two to a table, two more surprise special guests arrive during the show and stand and perorate, and then of course there’s the host, a serious journalist called Andrei Kulikov. As one of 13 participants, I had the impression that I was watching television rather than making it, a feeling confirmed by the studio wall covered by a giant video screen with attractive graphics.

Among other things it posts the main question to be discussed; this time, “Can Russia’s information war become a Third World War?” Guests sometimes talk about the main question, and sometimes about other things entirely. The program lasts anywhere between two and four hours, and runs late at night. Ukrainians love political talk shows, and millions watch this one on week nights....
Footnote 9

Barr announces a probe into the origins of the Russia Investigation. Most of this was covered already with the exception of John Durham which is supposed to be conducting this investigation. There are statements about him spending a great deal of time in Europe because he is investigating Ukraine. Well, I didn't go to Europe and I was able to discern the reality about the false investigations instigated by Guiliani. So, I don't know what John Durham is doing with everyone except Santa Claus saying there is no there there.

Here is Guiliani again. Barr doesn't know to the extent Guiliani and Durham may have met to dig into Ukraine.

Continued in next entry.