Thursday, October 03, 2019

Continued from previous entry of Whistleblower complaint page 4 and 5.

Page 5 is a continuation of the bottom of page 4, so I am including both here. The words "inter alia" means "among other things." 

Most of the material here has been covered and I believe successfully. There is another group of footnotes that have to be read following this information. 

There is a comment about Bill Barr. The then Prosecutor General of Ukraine Lutsenko wanted to talk to the USA Attorney General Bill Barr and that never happened. It seems to me Bill Barr never returned the call because he knew Guiliani was chasing all that down.

Mr. Lutsenko's allegations weren't going to make any difference to the re-election bid of President Poroshenko because Vladimir Putin made grandiose statements to the Ukrainian people. That is election interference. The same sort of grandstanding occurred with Putin in the 2016 elections when he stated if Hillary Clinton were elected there would be a nuclear war and if Trump was elected there would not. I don't know how much that had an effect, but, certainly there were some that paid attention to such open threats.

I find it unfortunate that Putin's open threats of war can be broadcast in Western democracies, but, the people of Western countries have no access to the people of Russia.

Continued in next entry.