Monday, July 15, 2019

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster


Very sorry to hear "The Squad" is blaming Democratic leadership for the weight of racism they feel due to Donald J. Trump. 

The problems we face in the USA today is because of the president and his appeasing Congress. The Democrats are standing the line between this racist president and the USA Constitution. If Trump could destroy that document today, he would.

Every day, without fail, Donald J. Trump expresses the sincere hatred he has for other races and ethnicities in the USA beside that of Caucasian. He is a racist and a bigot. Those values play out in the Muslim Ban, the USA border policies, the inhumane regard for the profound definition of family that the USA values above all else. In order for the country to feel his devotion to racism and bigotry, he plays to fears of minority rule in ways that will bring about the deaths of Caucasians when Muslims rule the country. He plays on those fears that still linger after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Those fears are propagated by the FOX News network. They use fear to drive their ratings and their profound devotion to money above family as a reward of success. The Democratic Party has higher values than money, they value human life and the aesthetics of living. They value the health of all people in this country, the education of all children and the advanced education of those that can achieve, they value liberty and freedom and they value the Rule of Law. That is absent in the Republican paradigm in this Congress and it shows. There was one member to date to leave the Republican Party because of the lack of leadership, the deterioration of patriotism, the missing value of the USA Consitution and the simple value of decency.

"The Squad" are very, very important people to this country. They are expressions of success in a way that Democrats have valued as the basis for their party for decades. One of the most profound figures in Democratic history was President Kennedy. He demanded equality and justice for minorities in this country and he is admired today and every day in this country. His demand for equality of minorities has never dimmed in the Democratic Party and never will. 

Speaker Pelosi is leading the Democratic Party in the US House during a very difficult time in the USA. She is well versed on the political impacts of racism, bigotry, and anti-Americanism. I suppose she is an easy target for the frustration many Americans feel today with a president that leads with fear, hatred, and anger. Speaker Pelosi balances all her responsibilities with the heavyweight of a country divided. She loves this country and its people and if she believed for one minute she was doing it harm she would relinquish her Speakership. She is a very decent person that is very strong and values all that is good about life. She is a woman leading a seat of power in this country and she is doing her job. She is passing legislation that values the American people and their quality of life.

The Americans that feel the weight of this president in their lives are among the strongest of patriots to the USA and it's Constitution. In that realize the Constitution is a strong document and when it is threatened people feel it. There are many that feel that threat and it is real. It is real because of Donald J. Trump and an appeasement Congress of Republicans. Those are the people that deserve the wrath they alone breed in this country.

I agree it is a time of change in the USA, but, please direct it where it belongs and it is the sincere threat of a president that values communism over democracy and prefers doing business in a way that compromises his own power in the White House. Donald J. Trump is not a competent president and he certainly is not a good person. He does not hold dear the values of all Americans and seeks to diminish the importance of citizenship and human rights. He does not lead the USA from a position of esteem. He doesn't lead at all, quite frankly. He portrays a Republican in profound hatred of the government he pretends to be important. The Executive Branch has never been in such poor condition in all of the history of the USA.

The Democrats must remain on that line to protect the USA Constitution and they must do so in a way that maintains the party's integrity. These are very difficult times and it is easy to blame others, but, kindly remember there is only one man responsible and his name is Donald J. Trump.