Sunday, June 02, 2019

Mulvaney, "Laws don't solve everything."

That would seem to be the theme of this administration.

It is also anarchy talking. Those that embrace anarchy want to dissolve democracy so why not do it with your Russian friends.

The Russian assault against the 2016 elections is three years old. The Republicans can say they did not have the report from the Special Council in order to carry out legislation to protect America's sovereign elections, but, that would be a lie. Their Attorney General buried the Special Council report after it was received and replaced it with a 4-page memo. The Republicans are NOT interested in having elections be fair or free. They want to win. tTHEY WANT TO WIN AT ANY COST.

CURRENTLY, after Americans spoke in the 2018 elections, the US House put forward H.R. 1. It has many provisions to protect American sovereign elections. But, Mitch McConnell states he is the "Grim Reaper" and kills all the bills coming from the US House. 

AGAIN, the Republicans are not interested in protecting America's sovereign elections.

There is CURRENT intelligence stating the Russians are very busy AGAIN assaulting the American electorate to effect the presidential elections of 2020. 

NOW, if the Republicans won't pass their own legislation that actually protects American sovereign elections and they won't pass any bill from the US House to protect American sovereign elections and the Russians are KNOWN to be conducting more and more assaults against the American electorate; it appears the Republicans in their do-nothingness and their unwillingness to move to protect American sovereign elections are in conspiracy with Russia.

It is fact. It is known. I don't think they should have any standing for re-election or otherwise in this country.