Sunday, June 02, 2019

An important migration map. It is a matter of understanding the species and it's habits.

This is a really good map. (click here)

Get this, there are four separate types of Dark-Eyed Juncos. This map outlines the four groups I recognize, the Oregon Group, the Pink-Sided, the White-Winged and the Slate-Colored groups. There is one in Mexico that called the Grey Headed Group. But, for our purposes there are just four separate PLUMMAGE arrangements. What is more interesting to think about, is the question, how do the birds keep all this straight?

Believe me, it is easy for them. A lot is territorial and the habitat each group has gotten used to, but, it is the bird watchers with the greatest difficulty. Although over time it is easy for conservationists to see each species and their unique color pattern.