Sunday, June 30, 2019

Flooding emergency in Texas (click here for additional news article about recovery efforts - thank you)

Below is the current river gauges of the USA (click here). The Mississippi River has moderate flooding. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that if the Mississippi River level falls, the other major tributaries will begin to drain out and reduce their height as well. 

That hasn't happened.

It continues to be a chronic pattern of rain and severe storms that are causing the Mississippi to maintain higher levels. In examing this map, the purple color indicating Major Flooding somewhat blends in with the green. There is significant flooding continuing through the Midwest and West. None of this is good news and short of the Democratic candidates for President of the USA, there is no one addressing the continued suffering of these Americans.

If any of these high levels throughout the Midwest and West have resulted in stagnant water that means there is a concern for disease.

The children are out of school. Perhaps by late August, they might be out of homeless shelters and back to a somewhat normal life. If the water doesn't recede by autumn, the country has to seriously begin to build a new assessment of where dry productive land actually lies.

I am fairly confident, the Army Corp. and USGS can already answer that assessment.