Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Sugar Maple is considered a "broad leaf."

Look at the trees (click here) in your area and you will notice that they are not all the same. By observing the differences, you will be able to identify which species they belong to. However, to correctly identify a tree, you need to look at several parts of the tree. There are three simple steps to follow. Do you know what they are?

To determine which species a tree belongs to, first observe its silhouette. This is very important, as there are many types.

Next, look at the leaves, which occur in different shapes. They are often the best clue to identifying the tree species. Look carefully at the leaf and note its characteristics, i.e., the type of leaf, location on the twig, and the shape and arrangement of the veins. Each of these features is very significant and should be carefully examined in order to correctly identify the tree.

The fruit of broadleaf trees contains the seeds for reproduction of the species. Finally, observe the bark, the protective covering on the trunk and branches. It is to trees what skin is to humans. The fruit and bark are often used to help identify a tree....