Friday, May 24, 2019

There was no treason with the FBI or the Special Counsel.

Exchanges between lovers are exchanges between lovers and nothing more. There was no widespread policy to remove the president from office. If that occurs, the president earned it.

The nonsense about the "Deep State" from Trump is in reaction to THE FACT he committed treason in providing the Russians with highly classified information, hence, compromising the sovereign state of the United States of America.

Trump is a scared little man. He always has been.

I would say the nonsense by Trump CAN BE dangerous to the country in that he has successfully sequestered a population of the USA into believing his mouth is the only valid authority. So, the more hate he can build the more of a chance, HE BELIEVES, of a civil war of sorts that would relieve him of being held for his wrongful behavior in office.

Dividing Americans and sequestering them into ignorance about the truth and the real world serves a very perverted and fearful purpose. One has to consider the TARGET of Trump's hate speech, White Nationalists/Supremacists, have the capacity and the will to do harm to other Americans. That is the perverted actions of a very fearful man in the Oval Office. He can be fearful of many things, including losing an election he illegitimately won in 2016.

I think Trump and his minions such as Graham get away with a lot that is called political rhetoric. Hate speech and misogyny is not political rhetoric; it damages peoples' lives.