Friday, May 24, 2019

Assange when it comes to Manning needs to return to it's mission statement that can be tapped in legal proceedings.

 "to bring important news and information to the public ... One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth."

This has nothing to do with the Russian espionage that was unilateral in it's focus in the 2016 USA elections. There was only one truth published by the Russian espionage actions. The focus may have been the truth of emails, but, it was a definite political focus by Wikileaks. The Democrats were to be defeated in that election. That isn't the truth, that is a preference that didn't take in the decisions of the American people that needs equity in a democracy. Wikileaks became an arm of the Russian Federation.

But, Assange as it comes to Manning, the task in publishing USA military information did inform the public of a reality it did not expect. In that was an understanding that President Obama did not leave Iraq as he had promised. They were both willful acts, but, it was more Whistleblowing than a crime of any sort.

Defense of Assange in regard to Manning is the Pentagon Papers. There are also international issues such as the Panama Papers. This is an activity that strengthens the people of any country if they have access to that information and can read.

The mission of Wikileaks is mired in nobility, but, it's power to effect elections has to be tempered. Democracies demand the truth, but, not a unilateral truth.