Friday, May 10, 2019

The Ukraine government does need more problems.

Rudy Guiliani is acting on behalf of Donald Trump's campaign. He will be seeking to defraud a Ukraine investigation to turn the tables on the innocent. Rudy Guiliani should be arrested when he reaches Ukraine as he already has stated he intends to change the direction of an investigation (meddling). 

..."We're not meddling in an election, we’re meddling in an investigation, which we have a right to do," Giuliani said in an interview with The New York Times published Thursday....

I've got a better name for Donald Trump, "Dopey, Dirty Donald Trump."

Rudy Guiliani is not lawfully authorized to work within the government of Ukraine. He is acting as a foreign agent. He has no right to cause Ukraine scandal. I am fairly confident the President-Elect has security guards and an office by now. They need to protect him from the ill intent of Rudy Guiliani.

Any such investigation would be assisted by the United States of American Federal Bureau of Investigation. Rudy Guiliani is not affiliated with the FBI. Ukraine has not formally requested FBI assistance. There is a real question as to whether Ukraine even needs the help of the FBI.

Rudy Guiliani is completely inappropriate and most likely operating outside Ukraine, international and USA law.