Friday, May 10, 2019

I believe Mayor Weaver is innocent.

May 9, 2019

Detroit -- Flint Mayor Karen Weaver (click here) asked employees to redirect charitable donors to a nonprofit fund she created shortly after taking office in 2015, an ex-city official testified during a federal whistleblower trial in Detroit on Wednesday, May 8.

Weaver, who took the stand briefly Wednesday and may testify further Thursday, said she created the fund at the recommendation of other mayors or advisers from across Michigan, including former Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero and Lansing Bishop David W. Maxwell, who assisted in the fund’s creation....

The so called whistleblower is not correct. Just because Flint is a city and has a city government and a mayor does not exclude it from developing and licensing a non-profit. Government organizations can lawfully create a non-profit to receive funds donated to the city. There is nothing wrong with that. The city uses such funds to protect monies for a particular purpose rather than placing donations in the general fund. 

Mayor Weaver did not take monies for her personal accounts.