Friday, June 15, 2018

Rachael Denhollander is above reproach as are the other women, all 300 of them.

They suffered horribly for the love of their sport. It is a statement of the tenacity of women and how they are emotionally strong and able to carry such burdens as if they never happened.

Today, women can now refuse to carry those burdens and carry on a life full of joy and happiness. That is never going to change. Women are strong, but, should never be so strong they deny atrocities in their lives. Make no mistake Larry Nassar is an atrocity. The idea the highly regarded Michigan State University ever allowed such abuse of women athletes is nearly as unspeakable as Nassar himself.

Now, John Engler is willing to continue the Nassar legacy by looking for an excuse to demean women and make them victims all over again. MSU needs to continue to clear it's administration of those that create victims. MSU needs to completely understand this is hatred of women known as misogyny. Creating women victims is definitely misogyny. Looking for excuses to victimize women is absolutely misogyny. MSU allowed misogyny to dictate it's female athletic programs.

Brian Mosallam seems to have woken up to the fact such victimizing statements and continued victimization of women is not an option at MSU.

John Engler must go. How many half billion dollar settlements can MSU afford?

June 15, 2018

Michigan State Trustee Brian Mosallam (click here) on Friday became the first trustee to call for Interim President John Engler to resign.

“Unfortunately, and with great regret, John Engler’s tenure as interim president has continued the bleeding rather than stem it,” Mosallam said in a statement. “His misguided actions and comments have failed to reestablish trust and confidence in Michigan State University.”

Mosallam made the comments in the wake of Engler’s private emails that emerged this week, suggesting that Rachael Denhollander, the first gymnast to come forward and speak about the sexual abuse of Larry Nassar, would get “kickbacks” for her role in bringing forward hundreds of other Nassar victims.

MSU recently reached a historic $500 million settlement with more than 300 women who accused the university of not protecting them from Nassar, the former MSU doctor who sexually abused young women for decades and is now imprisoned.

Denhollander, who has been widely praised as a hero for stopping Nassar, has said Engler's comments are not true.

Ms. Denhollander is a recipient of the settlement. End of discussion. She should continue her friendships and support of and from other women that were victims of MSU's Larry Nassar. She is exempt from skepticism and the facts stand on their own. She is not to feel the bite of a man's hate of women ever again.