Monday, March 05, 2018

The Czech Republic is still yet another example of "the least of us" taking on a challenge that is vital to every country's national security. 

While visiting a dynamic country with high ideals and goals to match when it come to climate, there are other troubles with significant histories still lingering. I will expand on those issues at another time, except. for one. The United Nations has asked the Czech Republic to include more handicapped children in their education plans. That would be a wonderful goal for the country as well. Perhaps some of the wealthy people that frequent the country in the Azeri Enclave could help with donations to make changes to accommodate more chidlren, especially those with special needs. 

Then again, perhaps the Czechia government can impose taxes on these wealthy areas to help in such transitions. 

But, when it comes to climate committments, Czechia doesn't reverse it's policies as the USA has done under the Trump administration. Trump retreated when Czechia seeks a rational and realistic path forward. I think if Czechia assesses the weatlh within it's borders and then asks for higher taxes from these communities, the picture for all the people of the republic will be brighter and the quality of life that much better.

I wish them well. The idea they have found a sincere answer to the problem of a deteriorating ozone layer place Czechia high on the list of important and decidated countries to the well being of all people.