Monday, March 05, 2018

"Fake News" is the business of the White House and not the press. Congressional hearing with cabinet press secretaries are in order. Swear them in.

Evidently, Hope Hicks is not the only one telling "white lies." 

February 26, 2018
By Donovan Slack

...Ullyot denies it happened. (click here) But the two sources said he made the request in a call initiated by VA Press Secretary Curt Cashour on Feb. 15, the day after the release of an inspector general’s report that concluded Shulkin had misused taxpayer dollars during a European trip last year.

Shulkin had appeared at a congressional hearing that morning and raised the possibility that an aide's email account had been hacked. The inspector general had concluded the aide had doctored an email to get improper approval for Shulkin's wife to join him on the trip at taxpayers' expense.

On the call, Cashour criticized Shulkin for raising concerns about hacking and told the senior aide that it would reflect poorly on the agency. He then put his supervisor, Ullyot, on the line, who asked the aide for help in an effort to oust Shulkin....

Regarding Ms. Hicks, I hope she is going to be safe. She is involved with a man that has a history of abuse with two previous wives. She needs counseling before she leaves the White House to improve her awareness of the forms of abuse carried out against women. I don't fault her for a lack of knowledge, at least until this point she has never been exposed to it.

I wish her well, but, she needs to know her "white lies" were damaging to the country. Trump has been misusing Executive Privilege.

June 13, 2017
By Noah Bierman

...It's not up to Sessions (click here) to invoke executive privilege. It's up to the president, making it tricky for Sessions to use that right to avoid answering questions.

“I understand" the right to executive privilege, King said. "But the president hasn’t asserted it," King told Sessions after he refused to discuss his conversations with Trump about the firing of FBI Director James B. Comey.

“I am protecting the right of the president to exert it if he chooses," Sessions replied.

That struck King as confusing. How could Sessions use an executive privilege that has not been invoked? “I don’t understand how you could have it both ways," he said.

Sessions said he was keeping Trump's options open for him. “It would be premature to deny the president a full and intelligent choice about executive privilege,” he said.

But King found an inconsistency. Sessions had just testified about a conversation with Trump, revealing that the president asked him for an opinion about Comey's job performance before he fired him....