Monday, October 30, 2017

The Republicans are having a bad day. They are grandstanding regarding court nominees.

It seems as though a particular nominee, whom is a Catholic, is expected to fail nomination because of her practice of religion. It is being stated the Democrats are not finished with religious bigotry and have turned the clock back decades; perhaps even half a century.

The judicial nominee is a woman by the name of Amy Barrett. No relations to me. I am not completely familiar with her practice of the law either as a lawyer or as a law professor at Notre Dame. The problem with Ms. Barrett is that she has never served in a capacity as a judge. There is no record to understand where she stands on sensitive issues such as abortion or LGBT rights. She leaves a question to some as to what she will do with abortion cases or LGBT marriage cases presented to her.

Now, it is noteworthy that the Robert's Court did rule against Texas on their abortion clinic ban and any LGBT has the right to marry. This is not about the current court. While I have not decided whether Ms. Barrett would be a good judge or not; the point I am making is not about her. The point I am making is about US Senators Cornyn, Lee or Cruz and the others in the room and at the podium.

Today, the Republican Senators stated Ms.Barrett is being discriminated against because of religion as a Catholic. In the short segment below from C-Span, US Senator Frankin is worried about her position on hate as related to the LGBT community. 

I find it odd that the Republican US Senators are worried about religious identity and the practice of faith as a Catholic while dismissing the Pope. You see, I don't believe Senator Frankin is wrong. I find his question about protecting the LGBT community from hate an important consideration. What I find astounding about today's presentation to the media regarding Ms. Barrett is that all of a sudden the Catholic faith and it's practice is more important than ever to Republican Senators, but, when Pope Francis spoke to the need for concern and ACTION to end the climate crisis, the Republican Senators had their earplugs in.

To the right is US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. She is Catholic. She is very successful in separating her job from her faith. She is an advocate for women in the US House, but, more importantly, she has been in the US House since 1987. She is a spouse, mother and grandmother. She has served as a vital part of the US House in a variety of positions, including, US House Speaker. I realize she is not a Senator, but, as a child of an Italian immigrant, she loudly proves the Democrats have no religious bigotry or otherwise. 

Senator Cornyn pointed to the fact there is only a 51 vote majority needed to confirm Ms. Barrett and he believes she will take the bench. What I also found interesting is when Senator Cornyn was asked about another Catholic, Paul Manafort, the Senator refused the question.

The Senate Republicans need to do their job no different than the Democrats need to do their job. If the Republicans are going out of their way to find extremist candidates for the judiciary that will assault the rights of women and the LGBT community, then everyone should understand the Republican Senators are not doing a very good job.

The Republican Senators are so not doing their job, because they are afraid to answer questions about the findings of Former Director Mueller. The Republican Senators rather insult peers of another party and offend other Americans than provide support for the Former FBI Director in protecting the country. Shame on them.