Monday, October 30, 2017

The only defense FOX News has for Trump are lies.

The only crime Hillary and Bill Clinton are guilty of is caring and being willing to take on the challenge to change the quality of life of people around the world through "The Clinton Foundation." Listening to Newt Gingrich it sounds as though the foundation should be brought up on racketeering. And get this, according to Gingrich, Mueller is dealing from the bottom of the deck and favoring the Clintons. Mueller is on the take, you see.

After all Manafort and Gates, came forward willingly and wishing to clear their names, right Hannity? Even after being mistreated by the FBI in a raid on Manafort's house.

Oh, my, my; the Steele Dossier. Of course, the truth has to be investigated by Mueller. Shawn Hannity lies all the time.  That is the basis of those that watch the show. I could not believe the lies on Friday. Now it makes sense.

Gingrich is sewing cover for Trump because they don't have a better truth, so they have to manufacture one. 

The best part is that Popadopoulos' arm was twisted by Mueller over a mistaken date. That was the only problem Popadopoulos had, you know. He told Mueller the wrong date. That is all. I take it Hannity has a viewership that can't read news media. Can Hannity read it or he simply agrees with everything his staff tells him to say? 

I never knew Callista was a Catholic.

Oh, yeah, the propaganda from Sarah what's her name. One lies and the other swears to it. I heard Sarah the mouth piece for Trump, say that. She is spinning the truth. That isn't new for Trump, but, considering Sarah was once a journalist provides a certain clout to the idea she is incapable of lying. 

And the make-up Sarah the outspoken is now wearing. What happened to that fresh faced Christian righty?

October 5, 2017
by Jon Schwarz

The U.S. Senate voted Thursday 75-20 (click here) to advance the nomination of Callista Gingrich to be the United States ambassador to the Holy See, the independent sovereign entity in Rome encompassing the Vatican. Five senators could not bring themselves to cast a vote.

Callista Gingrich is the third wife of Newt Gingrich, the Republican speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. Newt Gingrich vociferously attacked then-President Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky, even as he was simultaneously cheating on his second wife Marianne with then-Callista Bisek, a former Republican congressional aide. Gingrich led the impeachment effort against Clinton.

The Senate vote in favor of Gingrich came roughly at the same time that Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., announced his resignation. After it was revealed this week that Murphy pressured a woman to have an abortion, he voted to support a ban on abortion after 20 weeks.

In addition to her marriage to Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich has numerous qualifications for her new position, such as her Catholicism and the fact that she’s Catholic. Callista Gingrich has experience lobbying the church, as she and her husband appear to have persuaded the institution to annul Newt Gingrich’s prior marriages. Newt Gingrich argued to the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta that his second marriage should be annulled because his wife had been previously married. He had divorced his first wife Jackie while she was being treated for cancer....