Sunday, June 05, 2016

OMG, they are taking over!!!!!! Yes, this is a picture of the Curiel court. The parents of Judge Curiel were allowed to stay under Ronald Reagan besides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judge Gonzalo Curiel (click here) is nothing but identity politics. Is it racist? In pure definition, yes. The real problem for Donald Trump with Judge Curiel is that he is FACT that illegal immigrants can produce a child (Dreamer) that can rise to the highest reaches of public service.

Judge Curiel is proof the Democrats are not lying. "The children of the Undocumented are as American as any American parents."

The reason Judge Curiel is INCONVENIENT for Donald Trump is because his political campaign is promising to end the SUCCESS of the undocumented that come to the USA for a better quality of life. DEPORTATION. Would a judge with Judge Curiel's background send anyone back to their country of origin? The Trump constituent want nothing to do with the undocumented. However, the attacks on those same constituents outside of meeting halls is also stating how they feel about the basic ethnicity of the Trump campaign; white and proud.

There are two sides to every story. The people attacking those that attend Trump rallies are wrong. They are not forgiven for their hostilities. It is accomplishing nothing, but, creating a picture of disdain for their vicious attacks. No 'innocent' victim has been injured in heinous ways, but, the fact of the matter is the people coming from the rallies are innocent. They are attending a rally based in freedom of speech and a free exchange of ideas. I also am not completely convinced the attendees leaving the political rally are going to vote for Donald Trump. They came to hear the man. Some are still making up their minds. What does violence do to those still engaged in a democratic practice of deciding their vote?