Sunday, June 12, 2016

Here is a fact. No one can dispute this. If there were good men with guns to end or prevent the beginning of a gunman carrying out mass murder, the statistics would be there and there isn't any because there never is a good guy with a gun to end the attack UNLESS it is the police officers arriving on the scene.

When a society makes it's decision about public safety, it should always be based in fact. The idea there will be a good guy with a gun at every mass shooting is nonsense. 

Every mass shooter was prepared for that from Colorado's many shootings to Florida today. The gunman doing the killing is always armed to a maximum he can handle. He knows the police will respond and then he will be out numbered. So, the idea one good guy with a gun will be in every crowd to be sure there are no dead people is ridiculous to consider. These murderers would easily take down anyone else with a gun. The element of surprise is enough to catch the best armed defense off guard and unable to respond that quickly with that level of fire power. 

We witnessed the preparedness of these gunmen in San Bernadino when the couple actually thought they would be able to defeat the police response. It didn't happen.

This was the van when the police ended the violence. No patron of a club, employee of the state, child eager to learn can carry out this level of address of these multi-casualty murderers. It is not possible. 

It will never happen. Realizing that, the USA needs gun laws that reduce the causalities and ultimately end them.

The USA needs gun laws. 

The USA needs gun laws.

The USA needs gun laws.

Either legislators want to protect their constituents or they want to pander to their cronies. Which is it?

Now you'll excuse me, but, I don't feel like be deceived for the rest of the day. I play with game called "World of Warcraft." It is an animation and not real life looking characters. Yes, I am pacifist. I love that silly game.