Friday, June 10, 2016

Donald Trump addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition. He was well received.

He stated freedom of faith is important and intends to bring the country together. Nations need to stand together to defeat Radical Islam. Because Hillary Clinton will not say the words "Radical Islam" she is not qualified to be in office. 

Some peace demonstrators were in the hall, stood and chanted "Refugees are welcome here" and successfully interrupted Donald Trump's speech. The crowd started to shout "U.S.A." to drown out the protesters. Donald Trump states the protesters were very rude but it is all freedom of speech. He states, "These people are professional disrupters from the other campaign and Hillary Clinton plans to bring 100s of thousands of refugees to the USA."

Donald Trump focused on judges for obvious reasons, including the new Supreme Court Judge. The audience is clapping. They support his statements. There is no animosity in the room toward Donald Trump. His campaign is not falling apart.

He turned to police and how they need the support of the public.

Ah, oh. Hillary Clinton's appointment to the Supreme Court will radical and will destroy the rule of law. She will support Obamacare and Donald Trump will repeal and replace it. 

He states Hillary Clinton has a Wall Street agenda and will put bureaucrats in change the taxes of the American people and the rates will skyrocket "big league." More and more people will be fiscally oppressed and minority communities will be plunged into despair. The Democrats have failed in every community across America, "I will turn things around."  

I think that is a direct attack on local economics. I think it is a dog whistle to Wall Street.

Hillary Clinton has jeopardized the national security of our country with her loose handling of a private server. I don't know how President Obama can back her while he also states there is a federal investigation of her ongoing.

Donors to the Clinton Foundation have conflict of interest and own Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump states he will work for the American people. He spent $55 million on his nomination process candidacy. He always puts America first.

He promises a job program to lift Americans in the inner city out of poverty. 

He ccompletes his speech to a standing ovation. He is not the least bit effective by any racism comments. People forget those types of issues or never heard about it in the first place. People want their issues dealt with and when that occurs other issues are trivial to them. Individual Americans don't feel empowered to do anything about such issues as racism, except, to comment on them online perhaps. When Americans are not involved with a political movement the issues are a distant concern to their own lives.
