Friday, April 15, 2016

$15.00 minimum wage in the USA will increase sales for Wall Street. It is counter intuitive for profiteers, but, real.

The $15.00 minimum wage is a real opportunity for smaller entrepreneurs, are they ready? See, once Wall Street sales start to increase they will raise their prices without changing the quality of the products. Increased product quality means new versions of the same product and higher costs to consumers. Small entrepreneurs have to be sensitive to that fact and act on it to gain more market share with better quality and/or better services.

Wall Street doesn't like to share! They aren't good play date buddies.

Wall Street CEOs are nothing to what works and what doesn't. 2008. Give me a break. CEOs will keep profits where they exist today and cut benefits to workers, cut hours and make part employees out of full time employees all to increase a margin of profit to INSURE THEIR BONUSES. 

Economic growth does not belong to Wall Street CEOs. Their answer to economic growth is to increase consumer numbers from birth to deaths ("Cradle to Grave") by increasing population density.

Americans need to believe in the middle class and upward economic movement. That is freedom and democracy. Don't ever give it up, remember "The South" is the best example of the failure of citizens devoted to Wall Street. Highest poverty rates, reliant on federal dollars because of failed income tax income from good wages and the highest teen pregnancies because of strict religious ideologies.

The South wants to control abortion, contraception and control women. It takes two. Why are teenage boys/men having sex to supplement their definition of themselves? It is only the women that 'want it' and the men accommodate them out of compassion, yes? The culture of The South is one that plays with identity because of the poverty. Young women can tap into welfare monies at an early age. 

Kindly think about the reason a vote is very important. American quality of life is on the line this year more than ever.