Friday, April 15, 2016

Participating in party politics is an investment.

The American people need to have an intelligent conversation about their party policies.

Currently, the primary SYSTEMS are favored for the establishment. A candidate such as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders has a handicap because they aren't mainstream politics. Don't over react, this is a conversation and it takes some time to bring the facts to the surface. It takes time for people to understand, think about and clarify the facts and any other truth that might lie in the path of clarity.

The Republican system is an open system and a novice such as Trump believes he can win the party nomination by winning the primaries. That isn't the way it is. The party assignment of delegates in many Republican primaries are based in districts and not in the popular vote. The one place most Americans believe their vote should matter the most is the primaries so they will agree with Donald Trump when he is concerned and very vocal about the unfair nature of this mess called primaries.

I think the people are correct, it should not take a REPUBLICAN PRIMARY MAP AND RULE BOOK to understand their power within the process. Having an extensive rule process is more about control than clarity.

But, currently, the process in the Republican primaries manifest in three ways. In Colorado the entire process has been removed from the people in a popular vote. That surprised me. The only reason such a system is exist is because the STATE party cannot afford a popular vote or a caucus. In assigning a nominee by party regulars it takes the cost away from the party and puts it on the participant in travel and hotel costs for the convention. There may be some monies for travel and hotel, but, it still whittles it down considerably. The real fault in this process is the high potential of corruption. It disenfranchises the voter and if a candidate decides to pay for travel and hotel there will be corruption by that act alone. It is up to Republican voters to investigate their party's corruption. 

Beyond the convention, there is the caucus. Here again the cost to the State party is at the heart of the organization for the primary decisions. It opens up corruption by direct payments if that is what the candidate campaigns can afford and realize will benefit them. Who is to say there isn't exchanges for caucus vote and cash. It could be as little as $5 or $10 dollars to help with gasoline, especially if the cost is near $4 a gallon. But, the caucus is more along the lines of democracy than a convention.

This primary season the caucuses saw record numbers in turnout of willing caucus goers. I think that is great and for the Republicans that is credited to Donald Trump. He is bringing new people to the primary and possibly the general election if he is nominated. The higher the turnout of voters, the more democracy comes to bear and the more likely the outsiders will find their greatest wins.

Then there is the direct count of voters decision when a PRIMARY includes voting machines. This is the most expense to the state party. The process has to work without a doubt. Everyone can guess to computer glitches and cheating by hackers, but, the direct individual vote is not at fault here. There is no guessing and people clearly decide on their balloting at the very least at that computer screen. I don't like computers, but, the old mechanical voting machines are now antiques. I think the mechanical vote is most reliable, free of error as a mechanism and easily tabulated. The only corruption exists surrounding this mechanism and lies with people and the corruption entered into the system. Bribery of any kind is illegal, it doesn't mean it is impossible to occur. 

Okay. Let's just say the people have cast their decisions in a primary. 

Isn't is finished? No. What Donald Trump came to realize he that his hard earned victory can be removed from him. First by the fact different districts have different numbers of delegates his win of the popular vote does not mean much. That is unfortunate. The states' popular vote should mean something and some of the states have a CAPSTONE/crowning achievement if you will above the assigned delegates. The candidate with the most popular OR delegates receives a group of delegates simply for winning.

That is a reality an establishment candidate would be aware of. The place where REAL WINS occur is somewhere in the  rules and/or map, but, unless a self styled candidate such as Donald Trump reads the entire bible of campaign rules he will fall between the cracks. 

The primary process for both parties is established to insure the establishment has control. No doubt in my mind. The higher the office, from board of education members to the presidency of the USA, the more control enters the process. 

What about this mess that exists with a candidate securing their delegates AFTER the primary? Like, this is corruption beyond corruption; it is systemic corruption. It is absolute control by the establishment.

So, a candidate wins a primary election and a prescribed number of delegates. Everything looks good and then what happens at the general election convention? Dah. Who knows?

The primaries for Republicans SETS the number of delegates A CANDIDATE CAN RECRUIT to the general election convention. That means a candidate has to leave behind a team to root out people within the party that are 'ON THEIR SIDE.' It reminds me of the good 'ole boy statement by "W's" folks, "God is on our side." This is such a huge mistake. Incredible mistake.

When a party is divided within itself into their own cloistered camps, it causes division. It brings in corruption from the very foundation of a democratic process. 

Parties are people. They have their own ideas about democracy and what their party should stand for, but, I don't think local parties should be so divided in their understanding of what exactly the party represents that it invites corruption. This model is horrible and creates corruption, heck it even invites it. People come together to elect candidates, try improving from there. Candidates need majorities. COMING together to decide about qualified candidates at the local party level is what democracy is all about. Corruption happens at the local level. My family was involved in local politics and they loved it. BUT. Those that were elected to local seats of decision making were approached by others that would corrupt the process with bribes. Those that never took the bribes were not silent either. It is how morality survives the process of democracy and democracy is set up to be moral. The USA Constitution was shy about giving one person in the presidency absolute power because of the colonists experience with their former king or queen. The founding fathers were moral men. I have no doubt about it. They marveled at life and freedom. 

When giving respect to our founders of our country there is no doubt for me that morality and not special interests and corruption that accompanies it win the day.

Priebus is in the media crying for his job that he is not responsible for the process he only oversees it as the rules are set up in the previous convention. 


No one within the establishment, including Priebus, is taking the people into account. No one all these years have stated, "This is really lousy because the people are so naive to their own power." NEVER ONCE, until Donald Trump said, "I am running." I mean that completely.

The Democrats have not only undedicated delegates, they have Super Delegates. I can argue both sides, the most noble is that democracy is an investment for anyone. The Super Delegates in their most favorable light is about SECURING issues into the party and not corruption. If there is bribery then throw the lousy system out. As of today, everyone interested in knowing in this country has been educated about the Super Delegates. It's up to the people to embrace that for the right reasons or demand change in their primary process. HOWEVER, I will warn Democrats they cannot have a chronically changing MISSION where one issue is dropped and another picked up. The Democrats carry some of the most attacked entities in the country, namely minorities, unions, the middle class and humanitarian missions of the USA. That dynamic has been their priorities for a long time. Those issues cannot be abandoned and if Super Delegates is the best way of protecting the party's mission then that is the reality. There is every reason for rule makers and party leaders to question the method of assigning delegates. The people and their reality expressed in their vote has to come first.

The primary processes are coming into view because of controversy and the awakening of THE POPULOUS CANDIDATE. The establish is feeling the power slip their their fingers. I sincerely think the people know it, will process it and will bring about a truly participatory democracy. I am looking forward to another historical election in 2016.

The people need to speak and be heard.