Thursday, March 10, 2016

The USA Trade Agreements transfers democracy from the hands of the citizen to Wall Street. I really believe they remove the very basis of citizenship.

Free Trade Agreements are Wall Street documents and circumvent long fought for laws from previous generations. 

The TPP will victimize every citizen of every country within it's scope. 

Hillary Clinton was highly insulted by the question for her to resign if there is an indictment. 

The aspect needed in international trade is a single agreement regarding monetary policy to end currency manipulation. Since 2000 the trade agreements have cost the USA 5 million manufacturing jobs that are NOT coming back to the USA without the suspension of these trade agreements. The trade agreements need to be one on one with a country and not a coasts of any ocean. 

The TPP is blatantly a Wall Street document to redistribute the income to the USA middle class.

To realize the HOPELESSNESS of these international trade agreements realize they rob the USA middle class. Divide the VALUE of the USA middle class among the rest of the world and tell me that is going to result in improvement of GDP or quality of life. It is a hoax and look who is wants it, the very entity that caused a global economic collapse in the first place. Economies are best addressed by citizens of their own countries. 

There is no reason for it because the WTO already hears complaints. ASEAN does not need another trade agreement. The countries within ASEAN simply need real trade policies that don't victimize their people and bring BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE.

Better quality of life brings peace and not strife and instability.

The trade agreements are anti-human. They focus on wealth and have absolutely no focus on QUALITY OF LIFE. 

That is right, the trade agreements violates human rights globally. As far as I am concerned the trade agreements need to visit The Hague.

The trade agreements EXTEND USA BORDERS to support USA interests that will result in more international tensions and higher potential for war. Ask Russia, ask China, ask the middle east countries how these agreements victimize people and RAISE the international tensions that result in CONFRONTATION and war.

The United Nations would do every person in the world a great favor if they investigate monetary policy. I am quite sure the World Bank could speak to the lack of robust trade suppressed because of currency manipulation. There should be a summit regarding currency manipulation. For the USA there are estimates by quality economists stating the USA would increase it's GDP up to approximately 5 percent and there would be a creation of nearly 2.3 million US jobs without the trade agreements.

US jobs should be important to every other country in the world because the USA is the primary driver to global trade. The more Americans spend the better the international community does in their national GDPs. Trade Agreements create cheap labor and victimizes all peoples.

The real agreement needs to be based in currency manipulation and let trade take care of itself.

The United Nations should have an active interest in the quality of life of people globally.