Monday, February 29, 2016

Romeny today, "At least the world will know we are not bigoted."

July 26, 2012
By Adele M. Stan 
Since we published this list, (click here) Romney used a speaking opportunity in Israel to do a bit of Palestinian-bashing, which complements the anti-Muslim campaign of Romney endorser Michele Bachmann (see item #12), and generally feeds the Romney bigotry strategy. Appearing before a gathering of donors, Romney attributed the economic disparity between Israel and the Palestinian territories as being due to "culture" and "divine provenance".
Mitt Romney's named campaign advisers want you to know that they had nothing, nada -- oops, didn't mean to use a foreign word -- to do with the assertion of an unnamed campaign adviser last week that Barack Obama just doesn't get that special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States on account of his father being from Kenya....

It is the wild west in the USA today. What do right wing extremists expect when the Supreme Court is taking a case to return rights to people that pledge guilty to abusing their wives?