Monday, February 29, 2016

Congratulations to Leonardo DiCapro. It was a long time coming.

His dedication to his craft only illustrates his dedication of all his interests in his life. Leonardo DiCapro has been one of the strongest voices when it comes to Earth's climate. I appreciate all his words, I just wish the media did as well. He encouraged those that are not heard because of the money in a political system. 

It doesn't take much to keep the responsible people of the correct and factual message about Earth to be encouraged, so I appreciate all he said last night. A night which should have been his sole recognition he made it clear while he is recognized by his craft there is an Earth with equal importance.

February 29, 2016
By Mike Miller

...Most of all, (click here) Leo said, he was happy to take the chance to talk about his other passion, the environment and climate change, urging viewers "let us not take our planet for granted" in his acceptance speech, adding: "This whole thing has been an amazing experience and for me to be able to sit there and not only talk about the film but to talk about something that I am duly as obsessed with besides cinema, and that’s our environment and climate change....