Tuesday, February 02, 2016

End the virus ability to mutate for opportunity in other vectors.

If drought ever had a friend it is due to this virus. My concern is the expanding heat further north and south outside of the tropics and subtropics.

Zika was given flight in a densely tropical forest. It needs water for mosquitoes to thrive. Earth has a climate trending toward drought. If I were to be concerned about the longevity of the Zika Virus, it will be ultimately contained by drought.

In the meantime, mosquito control is vital to end this nightmare. Eliminating it's opportunity now ends its ability to mutate.

February 1, 2016
By Michelle Innis

Sydney, Australia — Health officials (click here) in tropical far-north Queensland and Papua New Guinea, to Australia’s north, have begun monitoring for the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which was declared an international public health emergency on Monday by the World Health Organization.

Mosquitoes that are known to transmit the Zika virus are found in Queensland, which last reported a case of the illness in March 2014.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of Papua New Guinea said Monday in a statement that the health authorities there would begin screening tourists and residents returning to the country from overseas for the virus and prepare to manage suspected cases.

“There is a great deal that remains unknown about the Zika virus, but the reports and suspected links to birth defects and neurological problems means that this threat must be taken very seriously,” Mr. O’Neill said....