Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Good wages has an effect on Wall Street. It brings out the Bears and ends the adrenaline of greed.

The DAVOS crowd was complaining about Wage Inflation. It was noted that Wage Inflation is a lie and the chronic complaining only gave Wall Street an excuse to raise prices of their products for the past decade.

Wage Inflation is an absolute and complete lie. When employees are paid a living wage they move out of subsistence living and move into homeownership and the beginning of building wealth.

Is there a need for a strong real estate market in most First World countries? It is the backbone of First World economies. It is where citizens build equity and have broader opportunity as they age. Investment in housing for citizens is a magnificent way of life and provides stability to communities and countries. Wall Street should never be allowed to play with real estate. Never. Wall Street only appreciates the money without any regard for the human being.

When the employees have increases in pay, they have more disposable income as well. Recreation grows, leisure activities such as book reading grows and celebrations such as Christmas takes on wonderful times of life. When people are allowed to wallow in celebration it is when religion no longer is deprived of it's attendance as well.

Growth happens with wage increases to citizens and the ONLY institution that guarantees the concern for citizens are unions. 

Good wages also ends the USA's 51st state, "Corporate Welfare."