Wednesday, October 14, 2015

So back to the State Department and Benghazi.

Key Recommendations is where I left off last night or I should say this morning. It was number 4 that I ended with. Below is number 5 and it is still with the subheading of Key Recommendations.

5. The Department should develop minimum security standards for occupancy of temporary facilities in high risk, high threat environments, and seek greater flexibility for the use of Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) (click here) sources of funding so that they can be rapidly made available for security upgrades at such facilities.

The Benghazi consulate was new. It was not finished being prepared for the Ambassador when he went there with his security people. He thought it would be safer in Benghazi regardless of the fact the facility still needed provisions for the mission. The report about Tripoli is probably within this report. But, the reason the late Ambassador left and went to Benghazi was due to an explosion by militants near the embassy. So, in realizing the compromised circumstances in Benghazi, the above institutional program should be accessed.

There are many more new embassies now. I never thought the USA would be present in Turkmenistan. That is really good.

There is now designation of terrorist groups. This didn't exist in the day of the Late Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The post Gaddafi profile for Libya did not carry these designations.

January 10, 2014

The Department of State (click here) has announced the designations of Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi, Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah, and Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia as separate Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and as Specially Designated Global Terrorist entities under section 1(b) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224. In addition to these group designations, the Department of State has also designated Ahmed Abu Khattalah, Sufian bin Qumu, and Seifallah Ben Hassine, commonly known as “Abou Iyadh,” as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under E.O. 13224. The consequences of the FTO and E.O. 13224 designations include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with these organizations, and the freezing of all property and interests in property of the organization and individuals that are in the United States, or come within the United States or the control of U.S. persons. The Department of State took these actions in consultation with the Departments of Justice and Treasury....

Created separately after the fall of the Qadhafi regime, Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi and Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah have been involved in terrorist attacks against civilian targets, frequent assassinations, and attempted assassinations of security officials and political actors in eastern Libya, and the September 11, 2012 attacks against the U.S. Special Mission and Annex in Benghazi, Libya. Members of both organizations continue to pose a threat to U.S. interests in Libya.Ahmed Abu Khattalah is a senior leader of Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi and Sufian bin Qumu is the leader of Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah....

The groups in Libya just blossomed after Quadaffi. No one knows these groups exist until they make themselves known. Unfortunately.

6. Before opening or re-opening critical threat or high risk, high threat posts, the Department should establish a multi-bureau support cell, residing in the regional bureau.  The support cell should work to expedite the approval and funding for establishing and operating the post, implementing physical security measures, staffing of security and management personnel, and providing equipment, continuing as conditions at the post require.

This makes me laugh. The almighty House Republicans have to be put at the head of the budget line OR ELSE.

June 2, 2015
By Rachael Bade and Lauren French

House Republicans are threatening to withhold a large chunk of State Department funding until officials speed up their responses to document requests, including House demands for documents pertaining to the Benghazi investigation and a probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
The House Appropriations Committee’s proposed 2016 spending bill for the State Department and foreign operations withholds 15 percent of the department’s “operational funds until requirements related to proper management of Freedom of Information Act and electronic communications are met,” according to a panel release.

The threat means House Republicans are using their most obvious weapon to hold State’s feet to the fire: the power of the purse.   
The provision is part of a nearly $48 billion spending bill funding the department and the War on Terror, about $1.4 billion below this year’s number and $6.1 billion below President Barack Obama’s request. The legislation is also packed with other policy riders, including several aimed at blocking Obama’s attempt to normalize relations with Cuba and others to ensure the administration can’t facilitate a prisoner swap like the so-called Taliban Five again without Congress knowing....

First the Republicans cut the funding and then they demand the State Department carry out the tasks feeding the House Republicans political campaign. Amazing. House Republicans have absolutely no appreciation for the work the Cabinet Departments carry out everyday. The Cabinet is completely unnecessary. The only agenda that matters in the entire WORLD is that of the House Republicans. They are going to destroy the mind trust of this country and it's ability to carry out vital work besides.

The candidate Hillary Clinton was insistent as well because she was being harassed by the political arm of the US Republican House. The entire mess is incredible to think about. Does the State Department actually have time to get work done? There should be such notations on any report or review of the State Department.

That needs to hold true for any agency of the USA where there has been political harassment by the Republican House. Every report and review should contain a statement about appropriation of TIME to the tasking demanded by the Republican House. FOX should probably be charged an excise tax for their demand for political documents of the Republicans. Freedom of Information, my hinny.

7. The Nairobi and Dar es Salaam ARBs’ report of January 1999 (click here)
called for collocation of newly constructed State Department and other government agencies’ facilities.  All State Department and other government agencies’ facilities should be collocated when they are in the same metropolitan area, unless a waiver has been approved.

I think this USA policy was being followed actually. The annex and the consulate were in close proximity. I don't believe this was a problem.

8. The Secretary should require an action plan from DS, OBO and other relevant offices on the use of fire as a weapon against diplomatic facilities, including immediate steps to deal with urgent issues.  The report should also include reviews of fire safety and crisis management training for all employees and dependents, safehaven standards and fire safety equipment, and recommendations to facilitate survival in smoke and fire situations.

There it is. FIRE.

9. Tripwires are too often treated only as indicators of threat rather than an essential trigger mechanism for serious risk management decisions and actions.  The Department should revise its guidance to posts and require key offices to perform in-depth status checks of post tripwires.

This speaks to the culture of the US State Department and it's willingness to accept and minimize the "danger" of their missions.  ...treated only as indicators of threat...

Like I said, the culture within the State Department was as much the problem as the fires never planned for.

The analysis by the panel was spot on. They nailed it. Throughout this entire document are warning to caution to protect human life. It's everywhere. The staff working in the State Department was immune to danger. Wrong. There was danger everywhere, but, they were good at seeing it day to day. They knew if there was a street demonstration, take the back door or the underground garage. They need to appreciate themselves as very important and precious individuals. The best example was the late Ambassador. Look want we lost as a country, not to mention his wife and children. Minimizing danger IS NO LONGER ALLOWED! Seeing the danger and acting to remove or prevent it is the ONLY methodology left to the State Department. As a country we cannot afford to lose our brain trust.

10. Recalling the recommendations of the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam ARBs, the State Department must work with Congress to restore the Capital Security Cost Sharing Program (click here) at its full capacity, adjusted for inflation to approximately $2.2 billion in fiscal year 2015, including an up to ten-year program addressing that need, prioritized for construction of new facilities in high risk, high threat areas.  It should also work with Congress to expand utilization of Overseas

The funding cuts and the insufficient appreciation of the work of the State Department by the US Congress FORCED their personnel to accept less than safe conditions.

The Benghazi investigation should never be about Hillary Clinton. It should however be conducted to indict members of Congress that are so lame and/or politically tainted they put our brain trust directly in the line of fire in order to serve their country.

Contingency Operations funding to respond to emerging security threats and vulnerabilities and operational requirements in high risk, high threat posts.

That is interesting. The State Department will have it's won contingency funding. I think that is fine, but, and it is probably in the assessment, does the State Department have a general sitting in a FISA court somewhere to order a contingency operation?