Thursday, September 03, 2015

Joe, it is okay. We love you.

I'll tell you something, I worry about everyone. Every Democratic candidate is making their best run for the nomination and I don't ever see anyone taking a break. I think the least we can do for our candidates is ask them to take a break once in awhile. 

I tell you what. I'll make every effort to make it to any rally that comes to my area to cheer everyone on. I think the people have to make as much an effort as the candidate themselves. They should never feel exhausted or they are the only one that can actually bring voters to the polls. It is an enormous task and it has to be shouldered by workers in the field.

So, that said. I would like all the candidates to make an effort to rest a bit before the first debate in October. No one has to be superhuman this season. The field workers need to clock as many hours as they can to bring the voters to the polls. It is why we have to hold fund raising for local efforts to hand our flyers and pamphlets to bring people to awareness of the issues and their best resolve.

Grassroots. A tired candidate is a compromised candidate. We need them on their best game every time they make a speech.

With that, I really want Vice President Biden to know he is admired and he has conducted incredible support for the Middle Class during the time he has been Vice President. We miss Beau, too. In some ways he could be stumping for his own nomination to the Oval Office. That won't happen. He loved life. He was bigger than life in everything he did. 

It's okay Joe. We'll be fine. We want you and the family to be fine, too. Realizing how deeply the loss of Beau has brought a burden to you, honors him. He was something. He is a loss we all feel. Take the time to be okay. We insist.