Sunday, August 30, 2015

The government of indulgence of an economy at any cost always comes back to haunt them.

...Stream sedimentation (click here) from new construction roads and for well pads could be very detrimental to rivers and streams, especially if operators cut corners and fracking well operations are not well-monitored. Further, the Ohio EPA has failed to develop a stormwater permit that could help control pollution runoff during storm events.

Under current Ohio law, municipalities may give approval for brine (fluids produced from drilling operations) to be spread on roads for ice and dust control. The Ohio Environmental Council has serious concerns with this method.

We believe this practice should be prohibited for the use of horizontal fracking wastes, due to potential for radiologicals and heavy metals in the brine. At the least, any waste fluids should be tested before being spread onto roads to protect streams and wildlife....

Fracking fluids are caustic. The fracking fluids melt rock. What does anyone think spreading the lousy stuff on roads is going to do?

It will degrade the pavement and run off into ditches and into water supplies. What is everyone thinking?