Sunday, July 12, 2015

The way home.

The infamous "Blue Marble." (click here)

Pope Francis is calling us home. We have alienated ourselves from our natural world. Humans have proven to master knowledge and validate knowledge through a process of appreciation by peers. It is a most interesting balance of expertise to humility. One's knowledge gains value only when others of the same learning appreciates it.

Most scientists on Earth appreciate the knowledge the community has compiled in regard to a warming planet. If the good aspect of a warming Earth out weighed the bad results, there would be no contest. A warming Earth with greater benevolence would be a great achievement.

However, a warming Earth is more of a planet than life can tolerate. Earth is first a rock in orbit of it's sun. It is the benevolence of Earth's distance from Sol and it's gaseous atmospheric layers that creates Eden. 

One can believe in creation or believe in evolution or believe in both, but, regardless the responsibility for protecting Earth from harm of exploitation is the only path allowed by morality. 

Earth is our only home. We can pretend the sovereign state of a country will protect us from imbalances of Earth's processes, but, that would be a lie. A horrible lie with dire consequences. 

We can pretend the fantasy of space exploration will result in a viable option for life in the universe and an abandonment of Earth. But, what is life without the beauty of nature? How valuable is life in a capsule floating through space? What does that say about our species and it's willingness to squander Earth for wealth and power only to abandon it. 

Space exploration is suppose to be patient and full of caution. But, the tone of space exploration today is more about a hurried exit from a hot Earth and an appreciation of humans to destroy what is precious.

Earth first.

Frantic abandonment never.