Monday, June 15, 2015

Republicans won't accept research to improve the quality of life of children, Americans or the all to obvious Climate Crisis...

...but, when it comes to their elections and how to win them there is no such thing as skepticism on research.

April 15, 2009
By Katherine Q. Seeyle

Researchers (click here) have now confirmed what was evident to most political campaigns last year — more than half of the voting-age public used the Internet last year to find out about, write about and comment on the presidential election.
About 55 percent of all adults — about three-fourths of all people who are online — said they went to the Internet for news about the election, according to a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. This is the first time that more than half the country’s adults said they used the Internet for political purposes.
Two findings of the survey stand out. One is that more people are going to sites that reinforce their partisan views.
A third of those who went online for political news in 2008 said they sought out sites that agreed with their viewpoints — up from a quarter of people who said that in 2004....