Sunday, May 04, 2014

Why can't America find peace?

It is not going to happen if the USA leadership is stuck on war. Federal spending is the easiest economic fix any Republican boasts as 'necessary' spending. But, Republicans don't spend federal monies the same way as Democrats. They don't seek to elevate anyone out of poverty, they blame them for their own failings. It is always the victim of Republican policies that is at fault.

Republicans spend money on war. They like military hardware and they don't care if trillions upon trillions is spent on worthless projects such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. It is federal dollars after all and where best to waste it? If money has to be pork and wasteful at least when it is done with the military it looks legitimate and honorable.

Associated Press
Updated: September 16, 2008 - 8:00 PM

...The finding, (click here) from a $4.8 million, five-year study of grizzly bear DNA mocked by Republican presidential candidate John McCain as pork barrel spending, could ease restrictions on oil and gas drilling, logging and other development....

So while Republicans dump trillion after trillion into useless military projects, which most generals and commanders don't want anyway, Senator McCain during his 2008 presidential run mocked DNA in Grizzly Bears. A whopping $4.8 million. The best part is that it also made him look "Anti-Big Oil" too.

I'll let Tim take is from here. He is magnificently sane. He is empowering. People need to listen to Tim. Seriously.