Thursday, September 12, 2013

The main objection to the Vocker Rule is that it will tie up liquidity. Really?

Do you know how much easily accessible money (click here) you have in the form of cash and equivalents? This is a measure of your liquidity.

So, liquidity is money people use to pay for lunch. Sometimes they don't use liquidity, they use credit as in credit cards.

The banks are complaining that a rule to live by will drain them of their lunch money. Not their INVESTMENT money, but, the kind of money that can purchase small operations to drain off middle management, consolidate debt, maybe even eliminate debt if the debt is owed to the bank that is buying them out, reduce labor forces while reducing a tax base.

That liquidity? 

You mean instead of buying off and crashing an entire economy the banks might have to use their liquidity for loans to the businesses short on liquidity.

Excuse me, but, the accounting firms for the CEOs complaining about liquidity problems if RULES go into effect need to be audited. Why? That's an easy one. 

"What is Quantitative Easing?" (click here)

See, I know the banks and all those greed merchants like Goldman Sachs and Citibank are pulling in huge amounts of LIQUIDITY from QE1, QE2 and the ongoing QE3.

There are no liquidity problems anywhere and if the CEOs and Greed Merchants are stating there is, then they are grossly misinformed or simply lying. Imagine that the Great Wall Street companies of the DOW lying. 

There is absolutely no reason to postpone the Volcker Rule or any other rule. The politics are dense, I am quite sure, but the Peasants and an entire generation of their children await.