Sunday, May 12, 2013

This is government over reach! The Republicans don't want to register guns, they just want to register people.

The immigration reform measure that the Senate began debating this week would also create a national biometric database of American adults, according to Wired....

...The bill mandates a “photo tool,” or a massive federal database to be maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. It would contain names, ages, Social Security numbers, and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID. Employers would have to look up every employee in the database upon hiring them. The clause calling for the database is meant to curb hiring of undocumented workers....

It is out of the question. The cost alone is prohibitive and human beings are not CHATTEL.

Link to Wired:

It is ridiculous. It is a human rights violation to turn a living breathing person into a computer image for the pure purpose of government tracking. It is out of the question. There will be abuses. Not only that, but, computers are far from perfect. People will be victimized.

Republican legislators are not competent practitioners of this democracy.