Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One of the preeminent claims of the NRA is that criminals will always get guns.

This is from the same article produced by Frontline in the preceding entry:

Number of guns federal firearms licensees have reported as lost, stolen or missing since Sept. 13, 1994 when the Clinton Crime Bill made reporting a requirement:23,775

Average number of firearm thefts that occur every year in the US:341,000
(Source: US Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Guns and Crime, 4/94)

There are many ways to measure that and even more interesting ways to legislate against it.

The number of thefts is about the same number of those manufactured in those years. But, there is a gross under reporting of the theft. Obviously, if the number of guns being stolen are the same as those purchased they aren't stolen now are they?

The dangers of guns are so profound there remains a huge gap in the CARE gun owners provide to their weapon to secure it away from misuse. There has to be a reporting of the thefts, otherwise, the actions of 'the gun' have to be assigned to the perpetrator, but, also to the owner if it was never reported as theft in the first place. There has to be liability of irresponsibility to gun owners willing to allow their weapons to fall into the hands of those killing.

Those allowing their weapons to disappear into the hands of violence and killing while not reporting same should be charged as accomplices to murder and gun facilitated crime. If there is that level of liability to gun purchasers there will be a slow down in the purchase and illegal distribution of these weapons.

Assuming the guns reported as stolen were actually the only ones really stolen, that is about 8% of sales that year, but, also a very small percentage of those actually owned in the USA.

The argument of the NRA is mute regarding this issue. The amount of MISSING weapons actually engaged in crimes is not an issue. What is the issue is the lack of legislation to stem this phenomena.

l. A gun purchaser has to be told VERBALLY at the time of purchase they are liable for the misuse of the weapon and there are real penalties to the owner if loss or theft goes unreported.

2. A gun purchaser has to sign a document along with the registration stating they received this warning which also states the exact penalties they face for the misuse of their weapon.

3. Assignment of FELONY statues to under reporting of theft and loss when a weapon is found to be used in a crime.

The misuse will slow down considerably when purchasers find they have sincere liability in their negligence. The purchases will slow down as well. And there needs to be a review of CHRONIC reporting by one individual of lost or stolen weapons. 

Guns are expensive. It is very difficult to believe those interested in owning weapons responsibly would actually not secure them or sell them responsibly either without background checks. If background checks of private sales find objection as stated by the NRA, one has to really wonder what that is all about. The NRA is subversive to effective gun policy in the USA.

Guns under reported as stolen or missing while found to have committed crime should hold CIVIL liability as well. No different than drunk drivers hold liability to those responsible for the drunkenness. In other words, Mr. Lanza's mother should have received civil suits for his access to the weapons. Unfortunately, that won't happen.