Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I can't believe average citizens can't see through the Right Wing agenda.

"Don't take my guns, whatever you do don't take my guns." 

Noooo....we just send swat teams.

Swat team

According to an official (click here) in the Dale County, Ala. sheriff’s department, the man who took a child hostage after shooting a bus driver on Tuesday is a “survivalist” with “anti-America” views.

“His friends and his neighbors stated that he did not trust the government, that he was a Vietnam vet, and that he had PTSD,” Tim Byrd, chief investigator with the Dale County Sheriff’s Department, told The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch blog on Wednesday. “He was standoffish, didn’t socialize or have any contact with anybody. He was a survivalist type.”...

Okay, survivalist type - PTSD, former Vietnam Vet and anti-American. Is that a survivalist? Really?