Sunday, December 23, 2012

I was trying to figure out what made young men so angry.

11/2/2012 3:25 PM ET 
Men who have been rendered infertile (click here) after developing testicular cancer as boys may be able to produce sperm using stem cells, says a new study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the Magee-Womens Research Institute.
For the study lead researcher Dr. Kyle Orwig and his team harvested sperm stem cells from twelve adult male monkeys before exposing them to chemotherapy. After the treatment the stem cells were reinserted into the monkeys and nine of the twelve were able to successfully produce sperm once again....

And then I thought, I hadn't a clue. I know what makes young women angry and it has something to do with old white men in Congress. But, the guys? Other than not having sex because of old white men in Congress, I didn't have a clue.

So, rather than try to figure out something men and young men should be doing for themselves, I though I'd take a look at the top ten gun states in the USA. The LA Times did some interesting stuff about that, so I'll follow their lead.