Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The idea Israel and Iran should have any nuclear capacity is a joke.

They are both counting on having the wind blow in the right direction.


The Middle East should be VOID of any nuclear capacity. It should be a "No Go Zone" for nuclear capacity, peaceful or otherwise.

I am quite sure Israel FEELS secure with the idea of nuclear weapons, but, to actually employ them in the immediate vicinity would guarantee the nuclear illness of vast amounts of their own people through radiation fallout alone. Israel's ONLY realistic capacity to protect itself is through conventional weapons. The Israelis are very good at developing and manufacturing conventional weapons.

To actually use nuclear capacity anywhere along the Mediterranean Sea would destroy and taint economies and shipping lanes for hundreds of years. It is not possible to have nuclear capacity in this area. It is a hideous idea that endangers people by the simple fact a nuclear rod exists anywhere.

The countries in the region have to take a strong stand against nuclear capacity and demand every nation obey Non-Proliferation. It is the ONLY way to protect the people of these nations.