Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mr. Romney cannot say the pundits for Obama are showing snippets of the dinner party.

WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser (click title to entry - thank you)

Mitt Romney wanted the full tape. Here it is.

David Corn is correct. Romney wanted the public to hear the entire exchange
to justify His words. I am not so sure any of his words justify his point of view 
to donors. His comments on foreign relations will set the Mid-east into violence 
that may never stop. His words about Palestinians are outrageous and actually
aligns with his statements in his visit to Israel where he was backed by 
Sheldon Adelson (click here).

There is no way Romney can be trusted with foreign relations and if he were
to be president, his State Department would be filled with Neocons. So, a vote
for Romney is a vote for war. A presidential candidate cannot make such 
inflammatory statements and expect to be elected. He is wrong in every way.

I wish David Corn did not put the entire dinner party out there. It is disastrous and brings into view the words of Nicholas Kristof's editorial, "The Foreign Relations Fumbler (click here)." Romney, without question, has and is causing
foreign relation problems for the USA. He is not competent when it comes to 
this vital component as President.

Mitt Romney is specialized. He specializes in making 'mad money' through the 
Wall Street paradigm. He is incapable of sincere policy at the federal level of 
our government.

Reverend Sharpton stated a large percentage of the 47% Mr. Romney referred 
to at the dinner party is actually within his own constituency. It is true. The 
southeast states below the 35th Latitude in the USA are impoverished. I find
Reverend Sharpton's willingness to bring this to the attention of the country more than helpful to the Romney campaign. See, Romney is 'victimizing' his own election. No one can state Reverend Sharpton is not fair in his opinions of the political campaigns in the USA.

Willard Mitt Romney believes buying an election will be doing the nation a 
great favor. There is no doubt he wants to be POTUS. The problem is he is 
not qualified. His campaign is shooting from the hip and not even bothering
to do sincere research regarding the needs of the country reflected in his
policies and statements to constituents, even those he is seeking the trust 
of monies. 

I think his campaign is very sad. He is used to a great deal of power as a CEO and Director of Olympic Games. But, he is not at all used to prudent measures
in leveraging that power when it comes to the lives of Americans, be it domestic or abroad.

Romney is not capable. The USA has no reason for war anywhere in the world. It has partners internationally that can provide intelligence if the leaders of 
our country would only follow it and make it a priority.

We have had CEOs in the Executive Branch before. They TYPICALLY do well in delegating authority but never taking responsibility for the delegation they do. So, when the FBI or CIA comes to the President with a memo entitled, "Bin Laden Known to Strike Within the USA," we need someone who puts themselves in charge of the next measure to end that possibility, NOT, someone who delegates it back out for MORE STUDY.