Sunday, August 12, 2012

While I am on the subject of Earth elements, I though the table of elements might be interesting.

Hydrogen is over 91 percent of the Sun's composition. It appears first in Earth's Table of Elements.

Helium is nearly 9 percent of the Sun's composition. It appears as the second element of Earth's Table of Elements.

That brings the composition at the photosphere to nearly 100%, yet there are so many more elements in Earth's table of elements other than "Rare Earth Elements." 

If one knows anything about the Table of Elements of Earth, it is obvious there are increases in the number of protons with each additional element in the table. Lithium has three while hydrogen has one and helium two. Beryllium has four protons and so one through the entire table. The protons are considered the atomic number to any of the elements. 

So, where did all this come from? If the Sun is primarily hydrogen and helium where did the rest of the mess come from?

It comes from heating and cooling. Intense heat as found in the center of the Sun and the center of the Earth is an oven that literally melts protons to combine with each other. Therefore, two hydrogens were thrown together, hence helium. And so on and so forth. 

There is no mysticism surrounding the elements, the Sun or Earth anymore. We don't worship the sun gods of the Greeks and Romans, but, seek to understand where and what we are in the universe we live.