Friday, December 02, 2011

Does everyone actually understand why Republicans 'run it up the flagpole to see if it flies' as a methodolgy?

Sometimes I think people don't understand that it is a methodology of corrupt politicians.

The reason the methodology exists, and it is heard a lot on right wing radio and Murdoch's media empire, is to find out if the electorate consents to corruption.

The Republicans and their COOPERATIVE media services will put out feasible ideas that may benefit their constituents through legislative action even though it is not a truth or a sincere method of government.

If the electorate consents to corruption of government through elections either by a naive or corrupt or most often both electorate then the laws of the country, state or local government are made to serve those in the electorate 'of the same mind.' 

Educating the electorate is not necessarily the way of securing an election.  Understanding the culture of the electorate is not necessarily the way of securing the election.  But, understanding the result of the election of corruptable representatives is the way of at least mounting a challenge to that candidate.  Swaying enough of the sincerely honest and naive voters can win elections in red districts where they normally go to those that seek to make government meaningless and corrupt.

Yes, I believe every Republican in the federal government within that voting bloc is at the very least corruptible.  The very best example is the current Senator from Massachusetts Scot Brown.  He was elected to represent the people, the common man as he drove his pick-up truck to Washington, DC the day after he was elected.  Remember that?  Now, in complete abandon of those that viewed their vote as a vote for someone just like them he has Wall Street Barrons throwing money at him and he does their dirty work in Washington rather than the work of the average pick-up truck driver.  He was corruptible the day he was elected and became more corrupted after he signed on to the Republican voting bloc in the Senate.

The Payroll Deduction Tax Cut is to be extended and deepened according to President Obama.  He states it is a vital way to improve the expansion of the country.  President Obama states this in consultation of the Secretary of Commerce, Labor, Treasury and Energy, among those otherwise inclined within his cabinet.  He states this with conviction of truth and proven value of the tax cut. 

On the other side of the aisle is House Speaker Boner who states "I am not an economist."  Speaker Boner could receive consultations from anyone in the Executive Branch if he decided to WORK AT IT (rather than accepting talk radio rhetoric as his voting direction) to come to common ground with President Obama, but, instead he ran a completely idiotic and irrelivant statement up the flag pole.  Now.  Whom is better at governing?  A corrupt House Speaker and his majority or a dedicated President and his cabinet? 

The method of paying for the Payroll Deducation Tax Cut (PRTC) by imposing a permanent surcharge is the correct method of doing so.  The Bush Tax Cuts will be extended by the sheer fact the corrupt Republicans will not commit to voting for allowing them to expire for millionaires and billionaires because they hold the country hostage in order to insure the 'IMAGE' of being corrupt enough.  So, to relinquish the PRTC to anything other than a permanent surcharge is only allowing Republicans to continue their corruption.

We need to return the government to the people and end the corruptible and corrupt methodolgies of the Republican voting bloc.