Friday, December 02, 2011

Did Wall Street ever have a rush of conscience about the massive amount of home foreclosures? Never without government setting the rules.

Massachusetts Attorney Iclick title to entry - thank you) General Martha Coakley is suing five major US banks for allegedly seizing properties unlawfully and failing to help struggling borrowers keep their homes by lowering mortgage payments....

One of the greatest insults to the American Dream was and is the massive numbers of home foreclosures affiliated with Wall Streets ever widening failiures of 2008.  Were there moments of regret or realization that foreclosure would do more damage than good.  Where did Wall Street think they were going with all this?  Destruction of community stability will destory economies and any chance of recovery.

Foreclosures in large numbers caused the glut of home availability and the fall of value of homes.  The banks literally were destroying their own 'asset value' by foreclosing but was there any creative thinking?  No.  Wall Street saw punitive measures as the only answer to its self created crisis with complete disregard to communities, tax bases for those communities and how greater instability would lead to a slippery slope.  If government didn't act at all the fiscal infrastructure of the USA would be far worse than it is today.