Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Congress is ineffectual. They can only agree on a two month bill for the tax cut and unemployment benefits? That is nothing short of sad.

The Republicans have anchored their bids for re-election and presidential hopefuls on being "The Party of NO!" When a Congress is this divided the nation is unsuccessful. The Republicans do no respect the election outcomes of 2008 and 2010 with a spirit of cooperation and commitment to recover the USA as soon as possible.

The Republicans are 'power players' with obstruction as their 'wedge' to inhibit forward movement of vital legislation for the country.  They snubbed the President's "American's Job Act" and in doing so they snubbed the American people.

The Republicans refuse to tax the wealthiest after their bailout and the money to fund effective change and government remain out of reach for the Middle Class and Poor. The proof of the draconian intent of the Republicans is revealed in the fact over a third and nearly one half of the nation's populous is at poverty level or just above it. The SHAME belongs to the Republicans as Americans face yet another new year of deprivation.  The Republicans have no moral compass, they have no conscience, only wallets bulging with Wall Street money.

I think I'll return to reading the American Jobs Act to conclusion as there remains about half to finish.

...Those talks (click title to entry - thank you) are still continuing and Reid said he still hoped they would succeed.
But with lawmakers hoping to leave town soon for the holidays, negotiators are working on shorter version they would revisit when Congress returns next year.
The bill would also avoid cuts in Medicare reimbursements to doctors that would last two months....