Saturday, December 17, 2011

The TransCanada Folly is supposed to end at the Valero refineries in Texas.

The reason the Tax Cut and Unemployment Benefits were renewed for two months, is as a threat to the President and still another political 'hot potato.'  

See, the Republicans don't care about people unless they have oodles of money they throw at them and their elections.  So, the only reason the House passed the bill was not for the benefit of the people, but, to insure there would be a pipeline.

Follow yet?

Simple really, so long as the citizens commit themselves to understand they are meaningless to the Republican agenda.

The Tax Cut and Unemployment Insurance extension is not really the issue.  If the Republicans had done their jobs they would have passed it for another year.  But, there was a crony having trouble with the White House.  So, the Corrupt Republican House and Senate fashioned a bill that would bring both the pipeline and the tax cut and unemployment insurance to the forefront at the same time.  President Obama after signing the bill to benefit the Working Class, Middle Class and Poor of the USA will  have to make an Executive Decision regarding the folly of TransCanada.  

If I were President Obama I would defeat it, because, in two months time after it has been defeated (And the argument can easily be made it was set up to be defeated as there isn't enough time) the Republicans are going to attach it anyway regardless of the harmful and wasteful nature of the project.  They will demand to pass the pipeline along with the extended tax cuts and unemployment benefits after it is defeated by the White House; proving once again who actually OWNS THE REPUBLICANS.

TransCanada is a folly because the British markets are now closed to their garbage grade oil and sludge and I sincerely doubt Venezuela will allow an ally of the USA sales into Latin American and South America.  I don't really care, because, I think TransCanada is a garbage stock anyway.

So, there it is.  The Dirty Garbage Politicking of the GOP.  I know who I am voting for across the board in 2012 and there won't be one Republican among them.

Oh, yeah.  I won't be purchasing not one drop of Valero gasoline from any station anywhere in the USA.

Indeed, Valero's (click title to entry thank you) September 2011 presentation to its investors clearly shows how the company plans to export diesel and jet fuel from its Gulf Coast refineries, while importing gasoline from its Pembroke refinery in the U.K.

The 2011 Presentation has been removed from an online access.  There is a lot of propaganda, especially by Murdoch's Wall Street Journal.  The propaganda is necessary to keep the investors committed to this disaster.