Sunday, August 14, 2011

The 2012 election should be about JOBS. Putting Americans, Middle Class Americans back to work.

I am sure the topic will present itself, but, that won't be the purpose of the Republicans.  The focus of the Republicans is to benefit Plutocrats and Extremists.  If elected, they will never raise revenues except on those less able to pay and they will stall the economy while spending upto the nation's debt ceiling while destroying the entitlements this nation has as a 'base' to its economy and social fabric.

No, that is not Michele Bachmann in the picture.  It is Charmaine Yoest.  The Self Righteous and misguided face to the Anti-Abortion movement.  A miscarriage is not an abortion and an abortion is not a miscarriage.  Her 'reason for living' in opposition to Women's Choice in regard to unwanted pregnancies is completely pathetic and lacks any understanding of the real world and hard choices.

...And so, she engages on the question (click title to entry - thank you) of what animates her interest in advocacy like any smart girlfriend might. She says it was a miscarriage – which came early in her first pregnancy – that rocked her world. The intensity of her sadness caught her by surprise. It rained as she and her husband drove home from her physician's office, and Ms. Yoest says she felt that heaven wept with her. The experience made her wonder anew how anyone would opt to terminate a pregnancy voluntarily. And it stoked her already fervent belief that a society that presents abortion as an option is putting women in harm's way....

We need revenues, not ideology.  We need vision for the future and not fear mongering.  We need recall elections until 2012.  They are vital to empower those that want their country back.  They want their country back for the right reasons, not ideological reasons.  When Bachmann says she wants her country back, think about it.  She wants it back for Plutocrats and ideologues, not Americans.