Friday, May 27, 2011

A patriotic American's worst option in politics is to engage in the rhetorical rant of the Republican Party Primary.

They have nothing factual to say.  I do mean nothing.  It is more of the same ole, same ole denial to propagate populous lies to factiliate a victory in the 2012 in states across the USA.  The campaign for President by the GOP is nothing more than 'more of the same' to try to repeat the worst ideas any American every voted for in 2010.

On Medicare, the Ryan Plan is a dreamscape for the private insurance industry, more military, more taz breaks for the wealthy and more burden on the people of our country that are unable to sustain their lives without a compassionate and empower country.

Since taking office President Obama has extended the Medicare plan by twelve years.  END OF DISCUSSION.  One President, one act of Congress, and one signature after a year of vigorous debate has extended the solvency of the Medicare Plan of the USA for twelve long years.  If he can repeat that again after his re-election of 2012 he will have saved Medicare for an entire generation of Americans.  Everything else is simply horse play by the greedy to reverse the progress President Obama and the majority legislature of Democrats have made in one full year of debate.

Since taking office in January of 2009, President Obama has kept his promises to the American people on many venues, including removing troops from Iraq, re-engaging Afghanistan to effectively remove the 'figure head' of al Qaeda.  He has brought a dialogue of openness and freedom to the Middle East.  We are witnessing for the first time in history the fact ordinary people in Middle East countries are finding their 'voice' stronger than weapons while rejecting 'jihad' as an answer to misery.  None of that is bad.  Paradigm shifts are never easy to understand as to what the final outcome will be and it requires someone who can navigate the 'straits' of that transition to insure the outcomes are beneficial and 'peaceworthy.'  President Obama has proven himself to be that vital person to the outcome of peaceful processes in international venues.  We cannot do it without him and I have never felt more strongly about that statement in my life.  The Republican idea of paradigm change in the Middle East is more war and more killing.  That is not a solution.  It never was.

President Obama promised to move the USA forward on energy needs of the Americna people.  Within the American Recovery and REINVESTMENT Act he empowered the Alternative Energy Industry to make a lasting footprint on the energy needs of Americans.  That industry now has a voice at the table, a vital voice that keeps growing and proving to be worthy of that voice.  President Obama has taken the Climate Crisis seriouslly and sees a path to reducing carbon dioxide contributions by the USA by empowering the EPA.  The EPA has never before been so empowered to make rulings on these sciences that will bring about CO2 reductions Earth needs.  There is not one, not one Republican willing to permit the EPA to back up the science, instead, they want to role back that authority and allow windfall profits at the cost of LIVING AMERICANS in the path of record breaking storms and heat.  We need more from the EPA and the Interior Department to stem the GROWTH of fossil fuels, not less.  They have to empower the Alternative Energy Industry as it GROWS into an Americna Dream when it comes to energy use.

The Interior Department of the USA has to be empowered to continue to protect the Wildlands of the USA.  It has done a remarkable job of protecting our nation's forests while setting aside vital links for wildlife and birds that pass through the USA in internatinoal migrations.  The Interior Department has taken on the challenge of returning endangered and threatened species in recoverable initiatives and that has to continue.

On the wellness front, the First Lady has been pounding the pavement to bring enlightment to good nutrition and return activity to the lives our nation's children.  At a time in our history when childhood obesity and diabetes has never been so prevalent and 20% of our young people are suffering from hypertension they are allowoing themselves to be entertained by 'screens' rather than 'streams' and they need to return to healthful activity in the outdoors where they can engage nature.  Our First Lady has also found service to military familes as a vital capacity to our nation's national defense.  We are longing for and finding military commitments that provide for the heroes of Seal Team Six.  Their families and that commitment means a great deal to our cournty adn our First Lady along with our Second Lady makes it a priority to know where their lives can be unburdened from dedicated service to the USA.

I could go on and on with the changes that have occurred under the Obama Administration and his eager willingness to serve the best interests of the American people.  He has passed essential legislation during only two years of his Presidency that was never enjoyed by this nation of any Republican President.  The current lack of motivation found with controlling speculation is 'excused' by the powers that be in victiminizing the Middle Class all the more and stating their retirement funds and mutual funds are vitally linked to high fuel costs.  That has to change.  No one wants to see mutual funds deteriorate, but, when the Middle Class and Poor are asked to pay for their retirement in ways that are incideously going to cost the American economy progess and jobs that is no longer a vital role for the energy sector.  The energy sector based in fossil fuels has become draconian and not beneficial as a method of providing a retirement benefit for Americans.  We need this paradyme change and we need it now, not the next time a Repbulican Senator, House or Governor obstructs more vital legislation to make the lives of Americans better while fulfilling dreams of generations.

Thank you.