Friday, May 27, 2011

How happy are Americans with President Obama and the majority Democrats of 2008? Very happy.

When they looked at the Ryan Plan that literally demolished Medicare as it is today and realized the alternative to funding the wealthy and war; they ran in droves the other way.

Today, in Paul Krugman's Op-Ed an interesting statisitic is revealed.

...Tuesday’s special election in New York’s 26th Congressional District.  (click title to entry - thank you) It’s a very conservative district, so much so that last year the Republican candidate took 76 percent of the vote....

New York 26 not only abandoned the Republican Ideology but did it in a wave that is unmatched in Republican politics.  Even if the Republican candidate received the Tea Party 9%, which is never going to happen, she still would have lost constituents.  How many constituents?  Nearly a full quater of all voters in that district.  That is not a loss, that is a stampede.

To begin New York 26 is not exactly ONLY a Republcian stronghold, so the voters there are conservative and like conservative values, but, they ARE NOT rhetorical Republicans SET IN STONE no matter the subject.

They remind me of an electorate opened minded enough to BE AFRAID.  Michael Moore frequently has stated in his political perspective, "Be afraid, be very afraid." and that is exactly want happened in NY 26.

If I may?

Outside the federal House election, and not speaking to the State of New York House and Senate, NY 26 has not damaged the Democratic Candidates running for federal office.  The Huffington Post did a very good analysis and I have posted in below, Gillibrand and Schumer faired very well.

New York 26 Special Election: What To Watch For  (click here)

According to the Huffington Post both Gillibrand and Schumer saw over 50% of the vote.

As to why Republicans will never ABSORB the Tea Party Vote is because they aren't Republicans.  They are a singular party entrenched in regressive analysis of the country and they will NEVER, and I do mean never re-enter the Republican Party.  They don't believe in Republican methods and the attack on Ryan and House Speaker Boner is an important example of that.  The Tea Party is trying to 'get it right,' but, lack the ability to move outside their own ideologies to achieve good goverance and good policies  for the USA.  They will never step aside to a Republican; they are to invested both in philosophy and finances to ever make that jump.  If the Republicans are waiting for The Tea Party to apologize and come home it will never happen.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the Tea Party is an autonomous party and simply finds it convenient to use Republican monies after they win their primaries.  There are actually three parties in the federal House of Representatives, the Republicans, the Tea Party Republicans and the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY.  Allowing the RNC to actually claim the Tea Party as their own has caused nothing but battles for power within the House between the two autonomous entities and a lot of lousy governance with defeats of completely bizarre concepts in the way of House Legislation. 

President Obama has been magnificent through all this in an economy that is finely balanced and continues to recover.  President Obama has reached out a hand to every Republican in the House and Senate as they represent Americans seeking solutions and he has been remarkably transparent in his methods of doing so.  All any patritoic American has to ask themselves is "Are we better off today than we were in 2008?" and the answer will be yes with a President that never ignores his responsibility or the demands of the American people and was dealt a really lousy hand coming into his presidency.  I admire President Obama and he has acted more than admirably through one of the most difficult times in this country.