Wednesday, March 09, 2011

So, the Ideological Right Wing of the House of Representative in the USA are now exerting CENSORSHIP over public airways.


Whatever happened to CORPORATE freedom of speech?  That doesn't exist for NOT FOR PROFIT organizations?


So, now the Republicans are attempting to control freedom of speech. 

To begin with it is my understanding there were some 'personal opinions' about the Tea Baggers that were 'spot on' and viewed as inflammatory and a reason to dismiss a gentleman from NPR.

Then the CEO resigns to attempt to accept responsibility for the 'scandal' promulgated by THE RIGHT WING media in support of the Right Wing Ideologues of the USA House.


That is called corruption of government and abuse of power / authority.  There are direct connections between the Right Wing Media and the House of Representatives AGAIN.

NPR needs to understand the defunding has nothing to do with anyone in their organization or their personal right to Freedom of Speech.  The defunding is due to ideologies and the demand by the Right Wing to silence any speech except what they approve of.  No matter what NPR does to 'demonstrate' good faith it will be rejected.

NPR is under attack by political ideologues that exert power outside the context of good governance.  There is nothing here that is going to change that no matter how much PUBLIC RADIO tries to seek their funding 'in accordance' with 'Right Wing Demands.'

Besides, this is oppression of THE TRUTH.

O'Keefe is a known political operative that is 'reactionary' to the ability of Left Wing Bloggers to 'think' and 'get on record' a Governor way out of line and abusing power himself.  The fact O'Keefe is 'at it again' should be no surprise.  He's trying to re-establish a wayward career.  This is in retaliation of the Governor tape.  Absolutely.

The truth of the matter is the Tea Baggers are political extremists that have proven themselves to 'practice their ideology' before they actually govern.

Now, while there are going to be some cutbacks in spending, the reason the CEO resigned may have been due to her lack of insight to the possibility of any defunding realizing the economic disaster of 2008.  But, if she resigned because she thought it would 'save the funding.'  It was useless to do that.

And to realize another gentleman was fired for having the 'nerve' to speak the truth after he was 'baited' is oppression of 'the truth' even if it is offensive to hear.

There is a lot "W"rong with these circumstances, but, little of it belongs to NPR.  The gentlemen that spoke in a private  conversation never intended to hurt his employer.  Quite different than the deliberate statements of Mr. Sheen.

I find it alarming Congress is exterting censorship of a valuable network of exceptional talent that support the USA society 'at large' in venues where their is primarily NEGLIGENCE by the commercial enterprise. 

This is profoundly worrisome.  Profoundly.  All the other 'antics' of Mr. O'Keefe or otherwise isn't the real issue.