Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Budget Cuts by the House were along political ideologies. It is oppression.

Any cuts should be distributed 'across the board' and not simply reflect hubris by the Republicans of the House. 



They are ideologues set on destroying the 'ideas' and 'priorities' of other Americans. 

Their excuse is 'elections have consequences.


To what extent, does it imperil citizen's well being and how EXACTLY will such decisions impact the freedom Americans have come to know as 'equitable.'

The Tea Baggers are a problem and direct the pandering they do to their cronies.

I cannot believe 'the access' by the Koch Brothers of a Massachusetts Governor begging for money and a Wisconsin Governor doing the same thing within his office.

There is a lot "W"rong.  A lot. 

Republicans are promoting ideologies of cronies and political hacks on taxpayer money. 

While all they hacked away at anything that was not of their liking they increased the military budget.  That isn't governance, that is having a field day with taxpayer monies to promote ideologies for political monies.

I don't think so.